Thursday, May 30, 2013

China Steals Defense Secrets

Investor's Business Daily printed an editorial today titled: China is Our Number One National Security Threat. The bold headline is quickly supported by the chilling news that China's hackers, who have been easily breaching our internet security for years to steal billions of dollars of technology from corporations, have now accessed our defense plans as well.
According to a previously undisclosed section of a confidential report prepared for Pentagon leaders by the Defense Science Board, the Chinese have obtained detailed plans for the advanced Patriot missile system, the Navy's Aegis ballistic missile defense system, the F/A-18 fighter jet, the V-22 Osprey, the Black Hawk helicopter and the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.
The entrepreneurial spirit of America has been a large factor in our military success and the speed with which we have achieved advanced technology. Man's imagination and ingenuity have had room to flourish and our patent system has rewarded hard work with success. Staying several steps ahead of our enemies has been crucial to maintaining our dominant--and therefore secure-- place in an often tense and dangerous world.  Losing that edge, particularly in our already weakened state, both militarily and economically, can only spell future disaster.
"This is billions of dollars of combat advantage for China," a senior military official not authorized to speak on the record told Post reporters. "They've just saved themselves 25 years of research and development."
Anyone supposing that China has no ambitions outside of economic growth has not been watching closely enough.  The Chinese have made very clear their intentions to become a world super power.  In November of 2010, a Chinese submarine launched a missile off the coast of southern California. The missile had no intended physical target, instead it was a message to the United States government. It was an aggressive act that signaled a growing audacity and held a warning for the future.

Despite the clear threat posed by China, Americans seems to prefer to ignore the fact that our largest trading partner might be our greatest enemy. Also hitting the press today was an article in the Wall Street Journal reporting that, Smithfield, "the world's largest hog farmer and pork processor" may be bought by a Chinese company. 
China's largest meat processor struck a surprise $4.7 billion agreement to acquire Smithfield Foods Inc., a deal that would mark the biggest Chinese takeover of an American company and underscores the Asian nation's renewed determination to scoop up overseas assets.
The deal has not been sealed, "in addition to political concerns and fears surrounding Chinese food safety, a rival offer could surface" nevertheless, in light of China's aggressive behavior, this is far from reassuring.

IBD closed their piece on Chinese hacking with a warning,
It is time to realize Beijing is not our friend but our mortal enemy with great ambitions and now perhaps U.S. technology to make them happen.
Read both these articles in their entirety:

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Roy Blunt Discusses Failed Gun Control Bill

As the gun control debate rages across the country, the U.S. Senate failed to pass a bill that would have implemented stricter background checks.  Missouri's U.S. Senator Roy Blunt explained on Fox News why he did not plan to support the bill.  His primary concern was that stricter laws could ultimately lead to a gun registry, and he pointed out that current laws are not being enforced even now.  Sen. Blunt expressed a desire to shift the discussion to focus on mental health, instead.

Watch the full clip here.

Missourinet has a quick summary article on two bills progressing through the Missouri legislature:
HB 170, sponsored by Representative Casey Guernsey (R-Bethany), would make laws passed after January 1, 2013 that ban, restrict ownership or require registration of a gun or magazine unenforceable in Missouri and make it a Class D felony to attempt to enforce them.
HB 436, sponsored by Representative Doug Funderburk (R-St. Peters) would make any law that infringes on the right to bear arms under the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution invalid according to state law.
See the full article, including audio from the floor, here.

We will be putting together a conceal and carry class soon, more reminders will be coming, but if you have an interest, let us know! 

Sunday, April 14, 2013

John Kerry Suggests the U.S. Would Cut Back Missile Defense if N. Korea Disarms

U.S. Secretary of State, John Kerry, is currently in China attempting to strengthen ties with the Chinese as the strain of potential North Korean hostilities continues to grow. In an article Saturday, The New York Times reported,
In a news conference, Mr. Kerry suggested that the United States could remove some newly enhanced missile defenses in the region, though he did not specify which ones. Any eventual cutback would address Chinese concerns about the buildup of American weapons systems in the region.
President Obama, in stark contrast to his usual anti-defense policy, deployed Aegis-class warships to waters near both Japan and Guam in early April.

Read the full New York Times Article here.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Rand Paul Coming to St. Louis for GOP Fundraiser

Rand Paul Coming to St. Louis

Sen. Rand Paul, of recent filibuster fame, will be in St. Louis on May 1st at the home of John and Jan Brunner for a Republican fundraiser. Sen. Roy Blunt will also be a featured speaker that evening with Ed Martin acting as emcee.  Tickets for the 6:30 p.m. - 8:00pm event are $100.  To reserve your ticket, contact Annette Read at or 314-223-2823.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

April After-Work Happy Hour

Young Conservative Professionals of St. Louis 
After Work Happy Hour


Rep. Paul Curtman 

April 17, 2013

Bocci Bar
16 N. Central Ave.
Clayton, MO 63105


More details on Rep. Curtman's topic to follow...